Welcome to the UN ESCWA Digital Arab Content Award database!

Apply here with your digital product!

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Please fill in your personal information in order to create a user account. Afterwards you will be able to sign in and submit products to the award process.

To ensure my participation in one of the two categories of the ESCWA Digital Arabic Content Award for Sustainable Development, Institutions and Young Entrepreneurs, I am aware that it is necessary to submit my personal data through this web application.

The data will be submitted through the database of ICNM (International Centre for New Media) and will be kept at a minimum for the duration of the award.  The ICNM is a non-profit organization registered in Rochusgasse 19, 5020 Salzburg, Austria, and organizes the World Summit Awards (WSA); and has partnered with UN-ESCWA for this Digital Arabic Content (DAC) Award.
Furthermore, with my participation I give my consent to be included in future mailings about events and contests by ICNM, WSA, and ESCWA DAC Award.  I can withdraw my application any time through the contact details below. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

I acknowledge that ESCWA will use appropriate safeguards to protect my data from misuse and unauthorized access or disclosure, including, without limitation, as specified in the United Nations Personal Data Protection and Privacy Principles.   As my data will be hosted on the servers of ICNM, I have rights pursuant to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in relation to the processing of my personal data, for example a right to information, data porting, to object and to erasure.   In order to assert these rights and address other issues relating to the processing of personal data with ICNM, WSA, and ESCWA DAC Award, please contact them at office@icnm.net and escwa-dac@un.org  using the subject: Data protection query.

I also have a right of appeal to the Austrian Data Protection Authority on matters relating to data protection: https://www.data-protection-authority.gv.at/.

For more information please visit: https://www.unescwa.org/digital-arabic-content-award

Sign in

Please enter the credentials you received by mail from us or sign in with an existing account from former awards.

For more information please visit the webpage

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 English   العربية



ICNM – International Center for New Media
Leopoldskronstraße 30
A - 5020 Salzburg, Austria
T: +43.660.6304081

Web: www.icnm.net